Prescription collection

Pharmaself24, Prescription Collection Kiosk

   Download the brochure

Convenient for Patients, Good for Business

Elevate patient convenience and business efficiency. No queues, just seamless prescription pickups for enhanced satisfaction and growth.

Increase Patient and Staff Satisfaction, Grow Your Business

Enhanced Patient Satisfaction

The Pharmaself24 enhances patient satisfaction by offering 24/7 prescription collection without queues, freeing your staff to spend more time supporting patients. You can elevate patient experience by offering convenient access and personalised care.




It’s like an extra team member in a way. It’s freed up time to a greater extent than I thought it would, which has been particularly helpful recently with unforeseen staff absences.

Ali Sparkles, Pharmacy Owner, The Health Dispensary

The Smart Way to Transform Your Pharmacy

Discover how Pharmaself24 is easy to install and simple to use. Watch the video to learn more.

 Download the technical specifications

Why Choose Pharmaself24

  • Customisable

    Customise panels, frames, and interfaces. Versatile installations, tailored UI, and automated usage reporting for streamlined operations.

  • PMR Integration

    Full integrations available for many PMR systems allowing efficient and simple data transfer across systems.

  • Quality and Flexibility of Design

    CE certified and accredited to LPS 1175 Issue 8 B3 (SR2) security standard.

  • Quick Adoption

    Backed by years of research and development, the user interface is easy and intuitive for patients and healthcare staff alike.

  • Safety, Security, Reliability

    You will get: Robust, vandal-resistant design. Cyber Essentials Plus certified. AES 256 encryption. Accurate, speedy barcode scanning. Regular security updates. Telemetry monitoring for performance.

  • Two Core Models

    Two automated prescription-collection solutions: PS24 Compact for pharmacies dispensing up to 6000 items monthly (holds 50-100 bags) and PS24 Multi for higher volume (over 6000 items, up to 178 bags).

HMI Pharmacy

How Pharmaself24 Transformed HMI Pharmacy's Patient Experience and Business Growth

Pharmaself24 unites the staff team around the goal of becoming the community's 24/7 collection hub

Discover how the Pharmaself24 solution boosted prescription numbers and helped HMI Pharmacy get shortlisted for a national pharmacy award.

Read the case study

  • 100%

    prescription growth since the prescription collection kiosk was installed

  • 50%

    growth in OTC sales since installation

  • 500-800

    customers collect from the Pharmaself24

  • 0

    additional staff costs

A Highly Customisable Kiosk

Frequently Asked Questions

Enhance Your Pharmacy Services with Pharmaself24

Book a consultation with our team to learn more about how the Pharmaself24 can benefit your pharmacy and enhance the experience for your customers. Together, we can take your pharmacy services to the next level.

 Download the product sheet

Certified for Safety